Wednesday, December 28, 2011

It's been a while since I've last updated my blog.
Despite having a tumblr I still prefer using blogger.
I guess that's cos I feel overexposed on tumblr?
At least no one really visits my blog (I think.) so I feel safer airing my thoughts here.

Christmas have past and new year's coming.
I've had a really enjoyable christmas with my family and the shooters.

Heading to Taiwan tomorrow and welcoming 2012 there.
Hope the next year will be a better year than this,
especially since I've had a pretty lousy year with all the mad mad rush and preparation for A Levels.
And I hope in the new year I would be a better daughter, better sister and a better friend.
I've felt as if this year I havent don't anything for anyone.
Life this year has pretty much been about me me and me and I feel rather guilty towards my brother as he needed to cook for me and whatnot during my exams period.
What sort of elder sister am I if I need my younger brother to take care of me?
And I resolve to be a more patient towards my parents, especially since I have done nothing but vex them with my frequent temper tantrums.

And you.
When I return home next January, I believe I will be over you.
Afterall, 10 days in a foreign country, what's there to still hold on to?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

1, tetracycline,

11:12 AM  

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