Thursday, May 28, 2009

no school today.
spent my morning at yuen mun's place filiming the video for PBL.

june hols are near.
just a mere one more day away.
which means that the mid-yrs are here.

its kind of worrying.
jiahui told me that in her previous class,
only 5 managed to officially promote.
6 got retained and the rest were advanced.
remember the stats that the principal showed us?
the ones about the advanced students.
ugh. just thinking about it just makes me wanna throw up.

i have this uneasy feeling at the pit of my stomachache.
this feeling that i might stand a huge chance of getting retained.
why oh why did i not take the arts stream?!
i would have done better in the arts.
that's what everyone told me.
but no...
i just HAD to be stubborn to insist on science stream.
i swear, if i get retained,
i switching to the arts.

GP exam on monday!
stress stress...

the end-of-termII-bash is on monday too.
what if i got lost on my way to 8QSAM?
i'll lian lei the rest of the class.
sometimes, its not that great to be a leader.

oh and yes.
People from 09S304!!!
those who have yet to pay me $6.50 for the end-of-termII-bash,
you better pay me by tomorrow morning before assembly!!


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